How You Should Improve Your Workday Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

How you score on the Myers-Briggs test is also telling of the kind of workspace that you thrive in. Individuals with different personality traits and mindsets require different daily interactions and activities to be their happiest and most effective. Whether you’re The Architect (INTJ) or The Helper (ISFJ), the tips listed below will help you to improve your normal workday and create a work environment that compliments your personality traits.

What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment?

The Myers-Briggs Assessment is one of the world’s most popular personality tools, assigning you one of 16 different possible combinations. Your type is presented in four letters representing the interaction of four mental functions, and which you prefer to use first:
● Extraversion or Introversion (directing and receiving energy)
● Sensing or Intuition (taking in information)
● Thinking or Feeling (making decisions)
● Judging or Perceiving (approaching the outside world).

It’s designed to help you understand what inspires you, how you relate to others, and how you can apply yourself in the workplace.

The Myers-Briggs personality test can provide valuable insights into how you perceive the world and make decisions. By understanding your Myers-Briggs type, you can tailor your workday to align with your natural preferences and strengths, enhancing productivity and satisfaction. Here’s how to improve your workday based on your Myers-Briggs personality type:

ISTJ – The Logistician

Who are you?
As an ISTJ, you're diligent, organized, and dedicated to your work. Your workspace is likely adorned with accolades and evidence of your commitment. You value reliability and structure.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Solo Time: Enjoy a quiet, solo lunch break to recharge. Avoid obligatory group outings that might drain your energy.
  • Podcasts/Playlists: Use these to relax and focus during your breaks.

INFJ – The Guidance Counselor

Who are you?
You’re a visionary and deeply analytical. Your approach is systematic yet guided by intuition. You may have a unique, creative way of solving problems.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Fidget Tools: Use fidget spinners or similar tools to regain focus when needed.
  • Creative Outlets: Incorporate creative tasks or problem-solving activities into your day.

INTJ – The Architect

Who are you?
Rare and analytical, you’re known for your problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. You often prefer working independently and optimizing systems.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Declutter: Uninstall unused apps and clear out outdated bookmarks to keep your digital space organized.
  • Mood Flipchart: Use it to communicate your daily emotional state and encourage interaction with colleagues.

ISFJ – The Helper

Who are you?
Detail-oriented and supportive, you excel in creating a harmonious work environment. Your kindness and punctuality are hallmarks of your personality.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Positive Mantras: Use sticky notes with affirmations to start your day positively.
  • Colorful Planner: Invest in a planner to help with time management and organization.

ISTP – The Genius

Who are you?
Curious and adaptable, you thrive on hands-on experiences and exploration. You prefer dynamic environments and practical problem-solving.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Icebreakers: Organize quick, energizing team exercises to stimulate creativity.
  • Remote Work: Incorporate flexible work arrangements to keep your day varied.

ISFP – The Picasso

Who are you?
Visual and experience-oriented, you value aesthetics and creativity in your workspace. You prefer engaging in tasks that allow for personal expression.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Coloring Books: Use them to unwind and boost your creativity.
  • Decorative Supplies: Incorporate colorful, artistic items in your workspace.

INFP – The Balancer

Who are you?
Diplomatic and introspective, you seek harmony and meaningful work. You’re motivated by personal values and prefer a peaceful work environment.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Aromatherapy: Use essential oil diffusers to maintain calm and focus.
  • Salt Lamp: Add a salt lamp to enhance your workspace’s ambiance.

INTP – The Architect

Who are you?
Logical and inventive, you excel in analytical thinking and theoretical problem-solving. You enjoy exploring concepts through debate and discussion.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Logic Games: Engage in trivia or logic games to stimulate your mind.
  • T-Pins: Use them to organize your office supplies efficiently.

ESTP – The Risk Taker

Who are you?
Energetic and action-oriented, you thrive on variety and dynamic environments. You prefer hands-on tasks and quick decision-making.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Coffee Gear: Bring your own coffee-making equipment to maintain energy.
  • Active Footrest: Use footrests or hammocks to stay active while working.

ESFP – The Frontman

Who are you?
Social and lively, you enjoy interacting with others and exploring new ideas. You can sometimes struggle with organization and focus.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Color-Coded Calendar: Use color-coding to organize your schedule.
  • Focus Signs: Use signs to manage interruptions and maintain focus.

ENFP – The Campaign Leader

Who are you?
Creative and enthusiastic, you thrive on social interactions and new ideas. You need freedom and variety in your work to stay engaged.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Noise-Canceling Headphones: Use them to minimize distractions.
  • Basketball Hoop: Install a mini hoop for quick breaks and stress relief.

ENTP – The Devil’s Advocate

Who are you?
Innovative and debate-loving, you excel at big-picture thinking and enjoy intellectual challenges. You often overlook details in favor of broader concepts.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Scanner Pen: Use it to digitize documents and manage details.
  • Mental Challenges: Engage in brain games to stimulate your thinking.

ESTJ – The Simpleton

Who are you?
Organized and leadership-oriented, you thrive in structured environments and enjoy fostering team cohesion.

How should you improve your workday?

  • Team Building: Engage in activities to strengthen team relationships.
  • Recognition: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate team achievements.

By aligning your workday with your Myers-Briggs type, you can create a more fulfilling and productive work experience tailored to your unique strengths and preferences.

ESFJ – The Social Butterfly

Who are you?

You often do your best to make sure everyone is happy, and you’re the supportive coworker that everyone can count on. Cooperative and outgoing, you enjoy being present during weekly company meetings and catching up with co-workers in the breakroom.

How should you improve your workday?

Use social apps where other company employees can have discussions, post events, and praise one another. Consider keeping a mug warmer at your desk to heat up your coffee and become the designated coffee guru of the office.

ENFJ – The Giver

Who are you?

You’re a passionate altruist that enjoys hospitable, warm, and inviting spaces. Unafraid of taking the reins, you stand up for what you believe in. With ENFJs on the job, it’s always a hard-fought victory.

How should you improve your workday?

Use a virtual whiteboard to brainstorm with coworkers and give them the chance to have the floor. Invest in a fun poster with a motivational saying that will spark fun conversations with coworkers.

ENTJ – The Head Control

Who are you?

Often competitive, you enjoy a challenge and receiving validation from others. A dominant force in the office, ENTJs know what they want, and go for it. You have no problem holding onto long-term goals and depend on your teammates to help you reach them.

How should you improve your workday?

Praise coworkers for their accomplishments and engage in team building activities to take off the competitive edge. Bonding with your coworkers is a great way to break down walls and focus on working together to successfully finish projects.

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